
Cruising Denmark
Post Conference Tour
25-28. august 2024

This journey will show you several of the Danish characteristics – we will spend a night in a Fairy-tale castle, visit the new Hans Christian Anderson museum in Odense; see the memorials of our late Kings and Queens in Roskilde Cathedral; take a walk in Ribe, Denmark’s oldest city; experience the magnificent beaches of the Wadden sea; and stay in Aarhus, the charming capital of Jutland. The program is a round trip, so you get to see as much as possible in a comparatively short time.

Price pr. person in shared twinroom kr. 6.000,-

Registre for this trip by clicking the ‘KØB’-button.

The trip is fully booked, but you can send us an email to be placed on the waitlist- mail@nordvesttours.dk.







Cruising Denmark
Post Conference Tour – 4 days 3 nights.

Day 1: Crossing Sealand to the island of Funen; Hans Christian Andersen’s House and museum in Odense and the Fairy-tale Castle, Hvedholm Castle.

We leave Tivoli Hotel just about noon, right after the end of the event, and enjoy a nice sandwich while driving out of Copenhagen in our comfortable coach.

Our first stop is in Odense, where we will visit the prized Hans Christian Andersen’s House and Museum which was inaugurated by H.M. Queen Margrethe in 2021. In this new museum, we walk around in a Fairytale world where art, sound, light, and images make up a unity. We shall travel through the famous poet’s life and stories and will experience both the building and the magical garden which surrounds it. The museum is created by the famous Japanese architect Kengo Kuma & associates.

Afterwards we drive along scenic roads to the stylish Hvedholm Castle, where we will have dinner and spend the night. The historical castle appears as a true Fairy-tale castle, with stately chambers, towers and spires. The castle has a long and intriguing history from the 16th century with feuds in the noble families and visiting historical personalities.

Hans Christian Anderson visited the castle on several occasions, and it is easy to imagine the author sitting under the shady trees and dreaming himself into the world of fairytales.

Day 2: Crossing South Jutland; Sønderborg, Rømø and Wadden sea, Ribe Hotel Dagmar.

We will spend the day in South Jutland, close to the German border where people are very much aware of their heritage.

After enjoying the hotel breakfast, we board the coach and drive the short way to the ferry that takes us to the island of Als.

On this island we visit Sønderborg, the beautiful city with the red castle at the waterside, the charming city center, and the captivating story about king Christian 2, who was a prisoner at the castle. Lunch today is on your own, in Sønderborg.

After lunchtime, we cross over South Jutland, where we hear about the referendum in 1920 that defined the border till this day. Maybe the most peaceful drawing of a frontier in the world? Our coach will take us to the west coast where we will enjoy afternoon coffee on the beach.

Rømø is an island, connected to the mainland by a 9 km. long dam. Driving over this dam, we will have a firsthand view of the Wadden sea, listed on UNESCO’s world heritage list since 2014. At the beach we often see colorful kites over the kilometer-long white beach, and if we are lucky, we even can spot a seal or two.

Driving back, we pass by the new landmark of the marshes; the 25 meters tall spiral observation tower from 2021.

The day ends in Ribe, the oldest town in Denmark, where we find our dinner and accommodation at the oldest hotel in Denmark. Optional free watchman tour in the evening.


Day 3: To the Viking age and back; Bindesballe Merchant’s house, Jelling – home of the Viking kings, to Aarhus, Jutlands capital.

After breakfast we leave Ribe heading northeast to the birthplace of Denmark. Our first stop today is in Bindesballe, where we find a piece of Danish Cultural History; a merchant’s house from the 19th century, still in use!

We continue our travel back in time to Jellinge monument, also on UNESCO’s world Heritage list. Here we find the very rune stones that tell us about the birth and baptism of Denmark. We will hear about the ancient Viking kings, the pagan gods and how Denmark became Christian for more than 1.000 years ago.

We will enjoy lunch in the small village of Jelling before we continue to Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark. Although a large city, it has a relaxed atmosphere. From our hotel you can stroll down the pedestrian streets through the oldest part of the city, or visit the famous museum of art, Aros, with a Rainbow panorama on the roof, created by the famous Icelandic/Danish glass artist Olafur Eliasson.

The rest of the afternoon and evening is on your own.


Day 4: From Aarhus by boat back to Sealand, Roskilde Cathedral, ending in Copenhagen

We enjoy our breakfast at the hotel and will even have some time to see more of Aarhus from the coach before we board the ferry to Sealand. The crossing is 80 minutes, and on board you have several possibilities to buy your lunch.

Heading for Copenhagen, we stop at Roskilde Cathedral, listed on UNESCO’s world heritage list for its history, housing the memorials of most of our Kings and Queens – more than 40 altogether.

We shall be back at Tivoli Hotel in Copenhagen on Wednesday late in the afternoon.


Hvedholm Slotshotel
Hotel Dagmar Ribe – Danmarks ældste hotel
Hotel Comwell Aarhus

Bustrip Cruising Denmark

Price pr. person in shared twin (½twinroom)
DKKRr. 6.000,-
Extra for single Dkkr. 825,- (few available)

The price includes:     

  • Touristcoach/Ferrytickets/road taxes
  • 3 nights at hotels in shared twin
  • 3 x breakfast in hotels
  • 2 x dinners
  • 2 x Lunch (sandwich the first day)
  • Entry Hans Christian Andersen House
  • Roskilde Cathedral
  • Jelling Monuments
  • Guided by experienced Tour leader and Girl Guide, Lily BahnsenAll other entries, meals and drinks are not included.

20 participants need to register for the tour to be carried out. The maximum number of participants is 50.

When we pass 20 registered participants, you will receive your ticket from nordvestTOURS, to whom you pay before 31 May. Payment can be done by credit card.


Registre for this trip by clicking the ‘KØB’-button.



Travel Documents, English translation.


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